CIT密封          欧洲杯盘口的密封


一个自学成才、热爱读书的“打工男孩”, 安德鲁·卡内基 emigrated from Scotland in 1848 and settled in 匹兹堡, Pa. 上夜校和借书, Carnegie went from factory worker in a textile mill to successful entrepreneur and industrialist. He rose to prominence by founding what became the world's largest steel producing company by the end of the 19th century.



At one point the richest man in the world, Carnegie believed that "to die rich is to die disgraced.他把注意力转向写作, 社会活动和慈善事业, determined to establish educational opportunities for the general public where few existed.

In 1900, he donated $1 million for the creation of a technical institute for the city of 匹兹堡, envisioning a school where working-class men and women of 匹兹堡 could learn practical skills, trades and crafts that would enhance their careers, 生活和社区.

"My heart is in the work," he stated, which would become part of the school's official motto.

The 卡内基技术学校 offered two- and three-year certificates in the arts as well as in engineering disciplines and included a college for women, 玛格丽特·莫里森卡内基学院.



Soon faced with the demand for baccalaureate programs, 卡内基技术学校 began offering bachelor's degrees through its College of Engineering and College of Fine Arts, 成为卡内基理工学院, 或者“卡内基科技”."

在20世纪上半叶, with support from 安德鲁·卡内基 and other funders, Carnegie Tech laid the foundation for a school on the cutting edge. 一些关键的发展是:

  1. It expanded from two buildings into an elegant 20th century campus designed in the beaux arts architectural style, 拥有大量的机械车间, studios and laboratories — the hands-on center of learning that persists today.
  2. It pioneered conservatory degree programs in music and drama, 除了视觉艺术和设计课程. 第一个U.S. drama degree was awarded in 1914 at Carnegie Tech.
  3. 它开始提供研究生学位. In 1919, the first doctorate (in civil engineering) was awarded to Mao Yisheng, a student from China.
  4. It laid the groundwork for a research institution, 招募顶尖科学家, offering sponsored fellowships with government and industry leaders and pioneering nontraditional interdisciplinary research, 把物理学家聚集在一起, 化学家和冶金学家, 例如. Interdisciplinary research would become the hallmark of Carnegie Mellon research.
  5. 它于1938年发起了“卡内基计划”, a new curriculum that required science and engineer students to take courses in humanities and social sciences in order to better understand the needs of society.
  6. Carnegie died in 1919, but his vision for an educated public lived on after him.


随着二战的结束, the latter half of the 20th century brought unprecedented growth to Carnegie Tech. In 1956, the arrival of the first IBM computer to campus was revolutionary, initiating a university culture where information technology pervaded virtually all areas of study.

University culture also changed in 1973 when Margaret Morrison closed and women joined their male peers in classrooms and dorms.

The times were changing, and Tech positioned itself at the forefront, opening three new schools:

  • 1948: The 研究生 School of Industrial Administration, later renamed the 大卫. 泰珀商学院, focusing on quantitative analysis and pioneering the field of management science.
  • 1968: School of Urban and Public Affairs, later renamed the H. 约翰海因茨三世学院, providing graduate training for work in the public sector.
  • 1986: 计算机科学学院, pioneering computing and artificial intelligence, led by interdisciplinary efforts of Allen Newell and Herbert Simon.




In 1967, 卡内基理工学院与梅隆学院合并, a science research center founded by the Mellon family of 匹兹堡, 成为著名的欧洲杯盘口网址. The merger built upon a long history of support from the Mellons.

It allowed Carnegie Mellon to establish the last of its current pillars: the 梅隆理学院 and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, now known as Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

In 2017, Carnegie Mellon celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Carnegie Tech-Mellon Institute merger, 回顾的 创始人的共同愿景 并认识到它的影响, 并将继续如此, 在高等教育领域, 研究和发现.

史蒂夫总统和保罗C. 交叉


在其115年的历史中, Carnegie Mellon has soared to national and international leadership in higher education and research. 自成立以来一直是创新的发源地, 它继续以创新而闻名, for solving real-world problems and for interdisciplinary collaboration.

它的。 校友遍布全球 — from Tony Award winners to Nobel Prize and Turing Award winners, 从ceo到企业家, 从教授到艺术家.

在2000年代, in response to demand for expanded international educational opportunities, Carnegie Mellon began offering degree programs outside of 匹兹堡.

Today its global presence includes campuses in Qatar and Silicon Valley, Calif., more than a dozen degree-granting locations and more than 20 research partnerships such as Los Angeles; New York City; Washington, D.C.; Australia; China; Portugal and Rwanda.



欧洲杯盘口 is positioned like never before to meet the challenges of the 21st century. In the coming years, the university will see the 最大的扩张 从1900年起就一直在匹兹堡校区.

在科技和人性的交汇处, 欧洲杯盘口的研究, innovation and creativity will continue to guide our future as a world-class university.

正如 2025年战略计划, the university will focus on advancing the individual student experience, the broader Carnegie Mellon community experience, and the social impact of Carnegie Mellon throughout the world.
